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MAY 2-6

Coyote Ridge Staff Appreciation week is coming up May 2 - 6. The theme this year is "Thanks for Bee-ing Amazing". The PTA will be hosting events daily for all teachers and staff; however, if your child/ren would like to get in on the fun, we have some suggestions below. You can view the teacher/staff favorites lists here.

Each class will also be assigned an adopted staff member, so if you would like to appreciate them during the week, we encourage you to do so. Please note, all participation is voluntary, you may choose to participate one day, multiple days or all days.

If you would like to decorate the windows of your teacher's classroom, please feel free to do so. If you have questions, please reach out to Becky Partington at

Thank you and we appreciate your support of our school, teachers, and staff members!

Monday (5/2): Hive-Fives - Have your student high (hive) five (or "air" high five) any staff member they see today.

Tuesday (5/3): Have your student bring in a flower for their teacher and adopted staff member.

Wednesday (5/4): Have your student write a note about how sweet their teacher and staff member are.

Thursday (5/5): Have your student give a nice compliment to every staff member they "buzz" by.

Friday (5/6): Have your student bring in a gift from their teachers/staff member's favorites list.

Please note, all participation is voluntary, you may choose to participate one day, multiple days or all days.

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