Dear Coyote Ridges Families,
Creekview Ranch PTA is hosting a Country Carnival! Since Coyote Ridge will not be hosting a carnival this year,
we are encouraging everyone to support our community and attend their event. In return, Creekview Ranch PTA will give our
PTA $1 for every flyer they receive with a paid admission so be sure to bring this flyer. They have also allowed us an opportunity to
prepay at a discounted rate. If you would like to prepay, you must submit this form with payment to the Coyote Ridge office
NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 4:00pm. Checks should be made out the CREEKVIEW RANCH PTA.
Prepaid tickets will be picked up at the “Prepaid Table” at the carnival.
Late forms will not be accepted at the Coyote Ridge office, you can take your form directly to the office at Creekview Ranch.